Class Information


K - 12th Grades

Our students receive comprehensive instruction in Bible, math, language arts, history, science, music, and art.  They meet for classes on Tuesday and Thursday and follow up at home on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Below is a list of curriculum for each group.



A Beka Book - Math, Phonics, Cursive Writing, Social Studies, Science


Grades 6-8

A Beka Book Mathematics, Arithmetic 6, Intermediate Mathematics (7th), Pre-Algebra (8th)

Institute for Excellence in Writing 

Shurley English (Grammar)

Science, Apologia Young Explorers Series, Life Science (6th), General Science (7th), Physical Science (8th)

History, U.S. Geography (6th), World Geography (7th), U.S. Civics and Government (8th)

Various literature selections


Please Note:

This curriculum preview represents the typical track for a Magnolia student. If a student is on a different level for a core academic class (i.e., math), we will try to accommodate that student so that he/she may receive instruction on level. However, classes outside of this traditional track are not guaranteed that option due to scheduling.


Grades 9-12

A Beka Book Mathematics: Algebra I (9th); Plane Geometry (10th); Algebra II (11th), Pre-Calculus (12th) 

Science, Apologia Exploring Creation: Biology (9th), Chemistry (10th), Marine Biology (11th) Physics (12th)

English I - IV

History, Notgrass: World History (9th/10th), Economics & Government (11th) World Geography (12th)

Electives: Spanish I & II, Speech & Debate, Ramsey’s Foundations in Personal Finance, Health, Event Planning, Theater